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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fireworks and Dogs

It's that time of the year - in addition to Thunder and Lightening storms the dogs now need to deal with Fireworks - which can not only be scary but dangerous for them. Many dogs react with fear when they hear the loud, unfamiliar sounds of fireworks.

Here is some info you might find helpful: 8 Tips for Keeping your Dogs Calm on July 4th
Lisa Spector June 29th, 2009

1. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise earlier in the day.
2. Keep your dogs inside during fireworks, preferably with human companionship.
3. Provide a safe place inside for your dogs to retreat. When scared of sounds they can’t orient, dogs often prefer small enclosed areas. (I once had a dog who climbed in the bathtub during windstorms.)
4. If possible, keep the windows and curtains closed.
5. Make sure all your dogs are wearing ID tags with a properly fitting collar. (Dogs have been known to become Houdini around the 4th of July.)
6. Leave your dog something fun to do – like a frozen Kong filled with his favorite treats.
7. Train with counter classical conditioning. Patricia McConnell, Ph.D., CAAB, has a very clear definition and tips here.
8. Sound Therapy: Play Music to Calm your Canine Companion Vol. 1 and 2. It is most effective when you first play the music well before the fireworks start, at a time the dog is already peaceful and relaxed. He will begin to associate the music with being calm and content. Then play the music a couple of hours before the fireworks start and continue to play through bedtime. The music doesn’t need to be loud to be effective as it has been clinically demonstrated to calm the canine nervous system. Click here for free samples and downloads

Other options include using calming therapies such as:
is a "dog appeasing" pheromone that will help calm your dog's nerves. This pheromone is similar to the one mother dogs use to soothe their new born puppies.
Rescue Remedy: Bach Flower Remedies has an all-natural Rescue Remedy product for pets that you can apply directly to their skin or add to their drinking water or food to help soothe them through stressful situations. Rescue Remedy can be used in conjunction with other therapies - including Lavender aromatherapy foam or treats like Mellow Mutt from Dogswell that contains chamomile, clover, lemon balm and linden flower. We carry these options at Cause to Paws.

I believe you should do whatever necessary to give your dog comfort. Be your dog’s advocate – do whatever you can to make her feel better during the storm.