It's Heating Up - Be sure you know how to protect your dog during the summer months.
Summer is here and that means more outdoor activities--but heat - especially during the middle of the day can be
detrimental to your pet.
Dogs can get hot very
quickly, faster then their human counterparts. Being outdoors with your dog can be a fun time to share with your family dog; but
remember to protect him from the summer heat. If you aren't careful, your dog
could suffer from heat exhaustion.
Never - Ever leave your dog in the
car. Leave your dog at home if you have other errands your are running that don't allow dogs. More dogs die of heat exhaustion in parked cars than in any other
situation. The car gets too hot - there is nothing that is "just a short time" that is acceptable during this time of year.
Exercise in the cooler parts of the day. Schedule your walks wisely. If you are
running with your dog - do it in the cooler times of the morning or evening. Avoid hot pavement.
your dog's paw pads can burn. Plus they release heat through their paws - try walking on the cooler grass if possible.
Just like you - there are 3 things your need to do - Hydrate -Hydrate-Hydrate your dog. There are all types of dog related containers that carry or dispense water. We sell a variety of portable bowls, bottles and roller ball caps that fit on standard water bottles, that you can use.
Does a wet bandanna feel good on your neck? Well, it will feel good on your dog's , too! We also sell versions that have a gel in the bandanna - soak it in cool water, the gel expands and helps to cool your pet as the water evaporates.
If your dog has a heavy coat, remember to brush them to help remove their undercoat and their "Winter" wear. But remember - don't shave your dog. Your dog can get a sunburn, too. Protect their noses, put sunscreen on them. We sell a type of tick repellant that also has a sunscreen in it as an added precaution - especially for white hair and thin hair dogs who may be loosing their fur and exposing their sensitive skin.
Tell tale signs of heat exhaustion - Watch out for excessive drooling, this can be a sign of heat issues as well as heavy panting, red gums, lethargy, extreme thirst and rapid heartbeat.
Keep your dog in a safe, cool environment. Provide the dog with plenty of
water. Make sure there is always a fresh, cool water supply available for your pet in the house. Even consider getting a wading pool or a basin of water to dunk them in - use cool not cold water which can constrict their blood vessels too much.
Be Smart, Be Safe and have a great Summer with your pets!