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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Squirt Bottles may be the answer

Squirt control: A bottle of water can break up a dog fight
by B.L. Ochman, Blogger,

Always carry a bottle of water to the dog park or run. You can often break up a fight by squirting the two dogs. They'll stop long enough for you to pull your dog out of harm's way. It also works when dogs get nuts while playing and need a quick time out to keep the play from escalating.

Just came across this tip from Dogster - I was at a meeting of liaisons from the Green Dog Program in Brookline (an off leash program sponsored by the town) last night and a lot of the conversation had to do with aggressive dog behavior and what to do to help control the dogs. One person suggested Mace and the whole group erupted in rage with the consensus being to use a water bottle to squirt the dog - the shock factor does the job. Then today I found this tip and thought it was a good one to share with everyone. Hopefully you don't run into a lot of aggressive dogs - but just in case. If you have an aggressive dog this may just be the answer for you.

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