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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Another Spring Health Tip

As a follow up to my last Blog where I talked about never leaving your dog in a car - especially as the weather heats up - here are some other Tips for keeping your dog fit, safe and sound during the warm weather months.

We all seem to become more active in the Spring and Summer with lots of activities - primarily out door ones with our dogs. Many of you go hiking with your dogs on trails in the woods, hills or even a long sandy/rocky beaches.

Things you need to think about include:
1. Start early in the day when it is cooler, morning air is the best and this also helps to prevent your dog from overheating.

2. Dog's noses, ears and other sensitive areas need protection with sunscreen much like humans do - they can burn. Sunscreen is especially important in light skinned dogs - especially white ones. There are even naturally dog and tick sprays that contain a sun screen. We carry Mad About Organics - their spray contains Jojoba Oil which is a good natural approach.

3. Always be conscientious of your dogs breathing patterns - it is important to avoid over doing and causing exhaustion in your pet. Keep in mind the rule about going only half as far as you think you can because you have to come back that same distance! Your dog may need to build up endurance early in the season.

4. Just like in humans - Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! Make sure that you have fresh water with you. There are many types of portable water containers available - including one that is simply a roller ball that fits on the top of any water bottle - It is called Pet Tops and we have carry these a long with other options.

5. Be sure to check your pets paws for wear, damage and injury. Rocks, sticks, sand and other debris can cause injuries. You can use boots on your dog if necessary especially if you are doing a lot of trail hiking in the woods/mountains. Waxes like Mushers or Paw Wax can be used to soothe as well as protect the dogs pads from wear and tear and abrasions.

Have fun but be safe!

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