Halloween is a huge holiday for people and now also for pets. Cause to Paws is having our 8th annual Howl-O-Ween Pawty on Sunday, Oct 28th starting at 5 PM with judging at 6 PM. We have various categories of costumes for the pets - Best Homemade, Best Overall, Best Pet and Person Duo or Group, Best Pet and Pet Duo or Group, and of course Best Trick. We're (the dogs) also bobbing for discounts and dunking for hot dogs.
When considering dressing your pet in a costume there are a number of things you need to keep in mind. If you have dressed them before in sweaters or coats this should not be an issue but if this their first experience with clothing your pet may not be all that receptive to the idea. Be considerate - you might be stressing them, so just be aware of their reactions. Masks are a definite no no and things on their heads may also be an issue (make sure their eyes/nose are not covered.)
If you are having your own Halloween party or will be answering the door all night, you might want to consider putting your pets in a separate room. Large dogs with big wagging tails can be especially problematic - especially when they get excited - things can go flying - burning candles, jack-o-lanterns bowls of candy......... Curious cats need to be looked after, too. Keep them behind closed doors, provide food, water and toys/chew things to keep them occupied. You might also want to put on the TV or radio as an added distraction.
Halloween candy, especially chocolate can be deadly - there is a chemical that interferes with their nervous system. Wrappers, especially foil ones can get stuck in their intestines which can cause sickness and possible death if not immediately addressed.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
For A Good Cause - Cancer Effects us All
CAUSE TO PAWS is always approached to participate in various charitable activities and asked to provide donations to various causes - both locally and nation wide. For the most part we primarily limit our CAUSES to PET RELATED ones - that is our focus and part of our MISSION STATEMENT. We also support our local community, Brookline and surrounding towns, whenever possible - especially Schools and Children.
But last month we made a concerted effort to try and help raise money for CANCER RESEARCH through the PAN MASS CHALLENGE - a Bike Ride to the CAPE. (The PMC donates 100% of every rider-raised dollar to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through its Jimmy Fund).
WHY CANCER RESEARCH? Cancer not only effects the individual, but also families, including the dog or cat (our children in fur coats). Finding a cure for this group of diseases is not an isolated event. Treatments for people can extend to treatments for animal cancers as well. Why not HELP the CAUSE, and have some fun as well at our next YAPPY HOUR.

My friends Jim & Mary Ellen, lost their niece recently to a rare cancer - leaving behind 2, three year old boys. She fought the hard fight but sadly lost the battle. They reached out to Cause to Paws, offering to SPONSOR one of YAPPY HOURs to try and spread the word (and raise money for Jim's ride). They provided the refreshments (and their company will match all donations). We provided a Gift Basket/Gift Certificate to Raffle off.
Sally Wattles, from Vincent Van Dogh did Dog Caricatures - donating a percentage of the cost to Jim's ride. The response was great and we have asked Sally to come to our next Yappy Hour - Thursday, July 26th, to do it again. We have extended our Raffle till then and will draw the winner that night (We sell one chance for $2 and $5 for 3 chances - you don't have to be present to win - although that would be nice and you have a choice between the Basket (approx $100 value) or a $50 Gift Certificate).

Socialization of Dogs is very important - especially puppies. Puppies need to meet people - all kinds - and other dogs - young and old. Meeting your neighbors and supporting a local store/event makes the community just that much stronger. AND the dogs can't get enough of Terry's Pupcakes - a peanut butter/carrot taste sensation. Don't worry, we have treats for the people as well! Hope to see you there - @ 1386A Beacon Street, Brookline starting at 6 PM.
Can't make it? You can still stop in and donate - win something for a GOOD CAUSE.
Cancer Research,
Pan Mass Challenge,
Yappy Hour
It's Hot Out There - Be Aware Be Safe
Been outside lately? If so you know how hot it is - I can only make it a few blocks before I need to dart inside somewhere and cool down. The Town of Brookline has annouced a Heat Emergency and opened up Cooling Centers. If you're hot imagine how your dog might feel. If possible, I suggest you leave your dog home. NEVER NEVER NEVER leave them in a car - even for a few minutes - the car is like a glass hot house, with temps much higher then the actually outside temp - cracking a window is NOT ENOUGH. Walk your dog early in the morning before the heat starts to build and later in the day when it begins to dissipate, minimize any exercise, provide lots of water.
Hot sidewalks/asphalt can actually burn dogs paws. You can put on a salve on the paws, like Mushers Secret, to protect their pads. Some people, especially if you live or hang out at the beach ofter use PAWZ rubber boots to protect the pads - for short periods of time - to protect the paws from the heat and grit - REMEMBER - dogs sweat through their paws (and by panting) - so you don't want to keep them covered for long.
Little dogs can be lifted up and put into carriers - like a sling - especially if they get tired - and you want to walk faster. AND HYDRATE< HYDRATE< HYDRATE - not just the dog but you, too.
Hot sidewalks/asphalt can actually burn dogs paws. You can put on a salve on the paws, like Mushers Secret, to protect their pads. Some people, especially if you live or hang out at the beach ofter use PAWZ rubber boots to protect the pads - for short periods of time - to protect the paws from the heat and grit - REMEMBER - dogs sweat through their paws (and by panting) - so you don't want to keep them covered for long.
BE Smart, BE Aware, BE Safe - Your dog will appreciate it.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Immortalizing My Dog
Lately I have unleashed my creative side - creating Kanji in various media. The Brookline Art Center had a fund raiser - different people were asked to "decorate" paint palettes that were then put up for auction. I was lucky to be asked and immortalized Kanji - using shells my sister collected when she lived in Florida and rhinestones from her jewelry days. I must say it came out pretty good - I copied a photograph of him. My mother decided she wanted it and "won" the bidding. He is her "grandson" you know.
All I can tell you is that Kanji will live forever in my works of art.
I have already had another (real) artist paint him on a rock.
I put him on a tee shirt as a party favor for my 50th birthday - we were in a kayak together.
I put him on a tee shirt as a party favor for my 50th birthday - we were in a kayak together.
I have to decide what I can create next - any suggestions?
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Dog Shows - Like to watch but....................
I have to admit that I did watch the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show but .......................
I like to watch this show to see all of the different breeds but then I realize that this whole event is contrary to what I believe in. There are so many dogs out there that need homes that are combos of all sorts of breeds - I call them "love children" - (I have one - Kanji - a combo of Shitzu and Cockapoo, who is a wonderful "accident" between neighbor dogs, not designer breed (see Kanji's puppy picture).
So watch the show and be happy for those dogs but when thinking of getting a dog - go the rescue route - you'll be happy you did.
That's my vent for the day.
Dog Shows support the concept that pure bred dogs are the way to go and that the more exotic the better. Although I am sure that these dogs come from loving homes and are treated like family, they perpetuate a culture of "perfect" dogs - with qualities not necessarily healthy or good for the animal. Also people fall in love with some of the breeds that are not necessarily meant to be house pets - those that need lots of exercise and activity - those meant to be "working" dogs - not house pets. When this happens you end up with not only an unhappy family but an unhappy dog.
That's my vent for the day.
Boston, MA, USA
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Top Ten Reasons Why to Shop Local
Been gone for awhile - trying to keep my head above water - considering there isn't any snow - otherwise I would be trying to dig out of a snow drift like last year. Actually I would prefer to have last year back. This has been a really weird Winter - some people are thrilled there hasn't been any snow - I'm not, my dogs are not and neither is my business. I do better when it snows - people are home - but out and about often walking the streets of my town - therefore business goes up - selling winter coats, sweaters, boots and wax for the dogs. Needless to say that has not happened this year. My dogs love to jump and play in the snow - rain just doesn't cut it - they sniff the air and go back into the house - refusing to walk when raindrops are falling on their head. Kanji loves to try and catch snowballs - trying to catch raindrops on his tongue is not his game of choice. AND I still have a ton of Winter inventory left - that's not your fault - I blame that on Mother Nature but there are other things you can do to help in general.
All this leads me to the real reason I am writing today after such a long absence
Shop Local & Help your Local Economy & Neighborhood Shops:
Here are the Top Ten Reasons to Shop Local - I "stole" these from the Cambridge Local First Organization. (We are trying to start a similar organization in Brookline)1. More Money stays in the local economy when you buy from a locally owned business
2.Most new jobs are created by small to mid-sized, locally owned businesses
3.Supporting the unique businesses that only exist in (place name of your town here...) helps make our city such a great place to live and work
4. Locally owned businesses are key supporters of local arts,education and social non-profits
5. Small businesses develop lasting relationships with customers, providing exceptional levels of customer service
6. Independent companies compete to provide the most diverse set of products and services
7. Locally produced material reduces the transportation costs and the impact on the environment
8. Community based businesses contribute to stability in neighborhoods and help provide for public safety
9. People's sense of community identity is tied to memories of things that are unique in their home towns, many of which are locally owned businesses
10. Local business owners buy from other local businesses, bank in local banks, eat in local restaurants, support local charities and keep our local economy strong
Thanks for listening (reading really) - Now go forth and SHOP LOCAL - My dogs and I would really appreciate it (and so would my Town, fellow shops & our local charities
Cambridge Local,
dog clothing,
Brookline, MA, USA
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