Been outside lately? If so you know how hot it is - I can only make it a few blocks before I need to dart inside somewhere and cool down. The Town of Brookline has annouced a Heat Emergency and opened up Cooling Centers. If you're hot imagine how your dog might feel. If possible, I suggest you leave your dog home. NEVER NEVER NEVER leave them in a car - even for a few minutes - the car is like a glass hot house, with temps much higher then the actually outside temp - cracking a window is NOT ENOUGH. Walk your dog early in the morning before the heat starts to build and later in the day when it begins to dissipate, minimize any exercise, provide lots of water.
Hot sidewalks/asphalt can actually burn dogs paws. You can put on a salve on the paws, like Mushers Secret, to protect their pads. Some people, especially if you live or hang out at the beach ofter use PAWZ rubber boots to protect the pads - for short periods of time - to protect the paws from the heat and grit - REMEMBER - dogs sweat through their paws (and by panting) - so you don't want to keep them covered for long.
Little dogs can be lifted up and put into carriers - like a sling - especially if they get tired - and you want to walk faster. AND HYDRATE< HYDRATE< HYDRATE - not just the dog but you, too.
BE Smart, BE Aware, BE Safe - Your dog will appreciate it.
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